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Watch This When You're High - Red Dawn.

Homework assignment time.

Earlier today I blogged about Russia strategically taking over the North Pole, setting up a giant military base, complete with huge runway and nuclear capabilities, and how the rest of the world just shrugged. 

So tonight we have a homework assignment. 

Watch the 1984 classic "Red Dawn". 

This shit is dark as fuck but you know what? That's what we need right now. Maybe this will wake everybody up to the fact Russia will not be happy until the entire planet is chanting "Peace, Land, Bread."

Laugh it up all you want but this is how it starts.


Sorry to get so serious on this matter. But Charlie Sheen and Patrick Shwayze aren't walking through that door to save us in real life.

Keep the suggestions coming. Keep them classy. No butt stuff.