
R.I.P. To the Godfather Of Comedy, Paul Mooney

Paul Mooney was a boundary-pushing comic who was able to deliver the truth about racism in America.  His in-your-face edgy stand-up was not only thought-provoking but hilarious. His list of accomplishments stands alone. Some of the greatest comedians of our time all acknowledged this man as the Godfather of comedy. He wrote for the great Richard Pryor, appeared on the Dave Chappelle show. He was the ambassador of being apologetically Black in America. Many people considered him to be harsh and a race-baiter. However, in the Black community, he was an activist. He was a man who used his platform to shock the consciousness of white America and to show black Americans we can be intelligent and magical. His brilliance allowed young black comics to thrive and create their own brand of comedy. 

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Paul Mooney would often perform in Pittsburgh. One evening my mother and I were standing on a platform waiting for her train in Pittsburgh. My mom hated flying. If it wasn't by car or train, she wasn't coming to see me play. She liked to get there early with her belongings ready to go so the train attendant can greet her and I can help her with her things on to the train. When the train arrived and everyone became anxious to get to their seat, this young caucasian couple rudely brushed by us and hopped on the train nearly knocking my mom over. I became really upset because the train wasn't leaving and everyone was being respectful. Then out of nowhere, I hear this deep voice say, "That's the shit I'm talking about, if your big black ass would have knocked down some old white lady over there, all hell would have broken loose!".  Then my mom said, "I know that's right!".  I quickly turned my head and sure enough, it was Paul Mooney, wearing a bandana to cover his bald head with a leather jacket and some jeans.  We chuckled, he grabs my mom carefully under her arms to help her onto the train and told me to get her bags. We all boarded the train, I was able to get mom settled into her seat and I kissed her goodbye.  Mr. Mooney happened to be seating three rows back and to the right of my mom. He leaned over to me as I was walking off the train and said "Don't worry, I got momma. They don't want any shit on this train today." It felt good coming from Paul Mooney, knowing mom wasn't riding alone and someone had her back.

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I wasn't surprised at all he chose to keep a watchful eye on my mom. Paul Mooney was just doing what he has always done, he was being a provider and protector for his people. Paul Mooney, you will be missed 

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