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I Don't Know Why People Are Freaking Out About Aliens Now When Wikileaks Exposed Government Correspondence About Them 5(FIVE) Years Ago


Fucking THANK YOU, KFC. 

Giphy Images.

I know I am the outlier. I know I am a weirdo alien guy. I spend WAY too much time thinking about something that I may never even encounter. I definitely spend too much time blogging about it because this will be my 44th alien related blog since I started in full-time in 2019. What can I say…I am obsessed. If I think about aliens too much, that also means that YOU people don't think about aliens NEARLY enough. Especially since wikileaks basically confirmed their existence and our communication with them back in 2016 thanks to that good ole email hack. I haven't stopped thinking about them since and maybe more of you would join me if you knew what was in those leaks so here we go

This is an email to Hillary Clinton's guy, John Podesta from a former astronaut. I mean lets break this down

1) This dude talks about "The War In Space" heating up. WTF does that mean? Who is fighting this war? Earthlings? Aliens? Trump's Space Force? He talks about it as if a) its a fact that it exists and b) Podesta would already know what he was talking about. Kind of wild, but let's go to the next line

2) The aliens are "non-violent"…

Giphy Images.


3) There is a "contiguous" universe. Why not just call it the "universe"? Does that imply that there is in fact a multi-verse? Is there another universe where the Hawks didn't trade Panarin? How do I get there?

4) What the fuck is "zero point energy"? Is that why how these tictac UFOs just zip around? If we use it will the polar bears live? Do the aliens know about the majesty of the polar bears? Zero Point Energy just sounds awesome. Sounds way better than anything that loser Elon Musk has come up with. Nice battery bro, I am using zero point. 

5) The aliens aren't fucking around with our shit. No military violence allowed. Hmmm…well…I don't think now is the best time to be dealing with the aliens. Maybe we should try again in 50 years and see if we have stopped blowing each other up all the time. 

That same astronaut sent this email to Podesta

This 4 July weekend I will meet with President Obama’s friend, Ambassador Hamamoto, at the US Mission in Geneva during their Independence Day Celebration. While in Geneva I will also speak at the UN and the European Space Agency regarding why we must move forward with disclosure and specific programs such as manned moon missions, since some scientists and others are calling for moon colonization due to what they perceive is happening on Earth.

Oh a whole plan for disclosure? Was part of that plan confirming that these military videos from the Navy are real? Was part of that plan going on 60 Minutes 5 years later and saying we see UFOs every single fucking day? What are the scientists' perception about what is happening here on Earth that they think the moon is a better option? Have they seen the moon? That place fucking BLOWS. Things would have to get really bad, like lava every where, for the moon to be a decent option. 

A lot going on with those emails. Why haven't the press been asking about these questions every single day since they came out? Why don't we have free energy? Why aren't they paying me to drive around in a zero point energy car?

Then we have this email from Tom De Longe to Podesta

I don't know if anyone is a Tom De Longe skeptic these days, but the government gave him a grant for his alien research


So he's working with both the Air Force and the Army according this grant and the emails. What does he know? Why do people talk to him? I like De Longe, but he doesn't strike me as the type of guy who should have direct contact with the former Chief of Staff for the President of the United States about aliens. I know he LOVES aliens and has dedicated his life to it. But he is…THE guy in the civilian population to study alien tech? Seems insane, but that's where we are. There were on-going conversations between the two. This email was from 2015. 

"I think you will find them very interesting, as they were principal leadership relating to our sensitive topic. Both were in charge of most fragile divisions, as it relates to Classified Science and DOD topics. Other words, these are A-Level officials. Worth our time, and as well the investment to bring all the way out to you. I just need 2 hours from you. Just looking to have a casual, and private conversation in person"

Ho-hum, "classified science" Department Of Defense topics that are sensitive. He's in deep. He also posted a picture of what appeared to be Bill Clinton and Podesta before their supposed meeting, but quickly deleted it. You can find screenshots of that picture on the internet with google, but I am not posting it here because I feel like Nate and Coley will object. 

So, long story short, no idea why this whole thing is just now gaining steam(sort of), but the alien talk between influential government officials has been out there for a LONG time. Maybe this was part of the disclosure plan they referenced. Who knows. All I know is that the people should be asking about this every day and nothing else.