
Need A Post-Friday Lunch Pick Me Up? Here Are Mike Breen's Best BANG Calls As He Gets Inducted Into The Basketball Hall Of Fame Tonight

The weather is beautiful, masks are slowly becoming a thing of the past, and tomorrow is Saturday. But if you somehow needed a little extra mmmph to get you through the last few hours of this work week, listening to Mike Breen BANG his guts out should do the trick.

*rereads last sentence*

OK, that came out weird but I'm keeping it in! That video is the epitome of everything that is great about basketball, which is why Mike Breen was a no-brainer to make the Basketball Hall of Fame. It's still crazy to me that Knicks fans went from a legend like Marv Albert with a signature call like "YES" after a big shot to another in Mike Breen and "BANG". For as much shit as we've eaten as Knicks fans, the play-by-play of that shit has been better than what pretty much everyone else gets. I mean the fact that Jeremy Lin's game winner on MSG was able to get the BANG treatment is proof just how spoiled we are.

As for the all-time greatest BANG call, I feel like it has to be the Ray Allen three, right? Others may have been louder or gotten more BANGs, but that was the biggest BANG that Mike has ever called, while BLOCKED BY JAMES has to be his biggest actual call.

Congrats on the Hall of Fame Mike. I cannot wait to hear you call a Knicks playoff game on MSG next week (I still can't believe I can say that).