
In Arguably The Most Important Game Of The Season The Knicks Brilliantly Released Their Secret Weapon.... Coach Cal

And just like that, the greatest tweet I've ever seen was born. Simple, elegant and a direct shot to my emotions. 

Giphy Images.

In one of the most important games of the year, it only made sense to break out the secret weapon. The guy who gave the Knicks Kenny Payne, Worldwide Wes, Julius Randle, Immanuel Quickley, Nerlens Noel and Derrick Rose. You can't tell me he didn't help inspire that comeback. You can't tell me that - even though he has zero ties to Alec Burks, he helped a career night. Just a genius move. 

Last night was just another example of why it's impossible to not love this team. A disaster of a third quarter, only way to put it. Then the comeback and it was a little bit of everyone. Randle hit big shots. Burks dropped 30. RJ Barrett continues to be a star in the making with 24. Beautiful, beautiful Knicks basketball. 


The Knicks desperately needed this win too. Hawks stole one from the Wizards, Heat kicked the Sixers ass. They had to win to stay tied in the race for 4th. I want the Hawks in the 4/5 game instead of the Bucks in 3/6. Just gotta find a way to get there. Losing last night would have put a huge hole in that with the Heat having Milwaukee and Detroit while the Knicks have Charlotte and Boston. Gotta go 3-0. Need it. 

As always, thanks Coach Cal.