Japanese Woman Plays A Recorder With Her Private Parts (Vagina) And Produces The Absolute Worst Version of Hot Cross Buns Youve Ever Heard
You'll have to go to the actual youtube page to watch it but it's worth it, I guess. Before everyone gets all up in arms about another pussy flute blog, relax. This isn't sexual. It's about the fucking arts, dude. Anyone who is trying to make the ole pussy flute jokes from American Pie, this blog isnt for you because I'm not a god damn child. Im a grown man who enjoys Tiny Desk Concerts. People who have Yo-Yo Ma's Cello concerto saved on youtube dont blog about pussy flutes to be gross. We blog about it because ART.STILL.MATTERS.
Look, I like innovation. I like it when longtime stoolie George Harrison traveled to India to infuse elements of that culture into the Beatles' newest album.
"Hey, Chaps. That's bullshit and a myth. It never happened."
Oh, I guess this post from BEATLES BIBLE is making it up.
I went to India in September 1966. When I had first come across a record of Ravi Shankar’s I had a feeling that, somewhere, I was going to meet him. It happened that I met him in London in June, at the house of Ayana Deva Angadi, founder of the Asian Music Circle. An Indian man had called me up and said that Ravi was going to be there. The press had been trying to put me and him together since I used the sitar on ‘Norwegian Wood’. They started thinking: ‘A photo opportunity – a Beatle with an Indian.’ So they kept trying to put us together, and I said ‘no’, because I knew I’d meet him under the proper circumstances, which I did. He also came round to my house, and I had a couple of lessons from him on how to sit and hold the sitar.
I saw all that to say this. If you're gonna play the recorder with your vagina, dont pull that bad boy out until it's ready for prime time. Youve got to get the timing and pitch right. It's on 4/4 time signature and she's playing it at like 6/4. Normally I dont mind an artist's attempt at making their own but playing a vagina recorder in such a fashion is simply barbaric. Barbaric. Let that word resound from mountain to mountain from valley to valley. Barbaric. BARBARIC!
Anyway, I also saw a foam ninja vagina segment of a movie that made my head explode. Enjoy.