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Having a Glass Bridge Is Cool And All Until 100 MPH Winds Shatter The Glass And You're Left Dangling For Your Life

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NY Post

Hair-raising photos show a tourist left dangling from a glass bridge in China — after it was shattered by gale-force winds.

The man remained stranded precariously Friday on the more than 300-foot-tall span on Piyan Mountain in the northeastern city of Longjing, the Straits Times reported.

Winds approaching 100 mph broke the bridge apart, sending large sections of its glass deck plummeting about 12:45 p.m., according to the news outlet.

It sounds like such an awesome idea to build a glass-floored bridge, right? Just dropping your architectural nuts on the rest of the world. China LOVES them and actually has over 60 of these motherfuckers. Well, they failed to take into account 100 mph winds potentially shattering all the glass and leaving people dangling for their lives.  Not so much fun now is it!

Now while this is definitely the engineers faults, it also falls on this fella who thought it'd be a good idea to take a stroll on a glass-floored bridge while there were 100 mph winds swirling around. Luckily he's okay, just permanently scarred for life and probably won't step outside ever again.

 The man managed to crawl to safety about a half-hour later with the help of firefighters, police and tourism workers. He was taken to a hospital, where he received psychological counseling after the vertiginous ordeal.

I guess almost being blown off a bridge messed with his head. People are soooo overdramatic these days huh?

In all seriousness, this all ties into my everyday thinking that we trust man-made objects way too much. A bridge or a tunnel for instance is built by the lowest bidder and constructed by everyday Joe Schmos who probably did the same stupid shit we did in college. We're all idiots. One little mishap that gives way years later and the whole thing crumbles to the ground. How about fucking suspension bridges? I won't feel safe crossing one of those for as long as I live. 

Now obviously that type of fear is no way to live your life, but it's something that crosses my mind here and there. Oh yeah they tell you the glass bridge is perfectly safe and you should have no worries. Then a gust of wind shatters everything and you're left hanging there with your life in peril. 

Hot seat for those folks over in North China that thought a bridge with fake breaking glass was a real riot. 

Not so funny when we've got glass bridges breaking everywhere is it China? Whoever built that fake glass and thought it was a great idea should be in prison for life. Life sentence in prison. 

These assholes are so goddamn cocky it's unbelievable. 

Barcroft Media. Getty Images.


All it took was a little wind to take down your precious glass bridges.  You fools. 

Still will always have PTSD from this scene in Jurassic Park. I haven't trusted glass since.