
Luis Santana Of The Asheville Tourists Might Have Set The World Record For Highest Bat Flip In Baseball History

I'm not exaggerating when I thought this bat was going to fly out of frame and never come down. This was after Luis Santana's second bomb of the night and he wanted everyone in the park to know how he felt about it. If you hit a ball and it makes that noise you have no choice but to throw your bat that high. He played it up too, the stutter step right at second, gassing up the third base coach, basically pimp walking across home, he did it all. The height on the bat flip is maybe the highest I've ever seen, it's amazing how high he threw it. The rotation is perfect too, everything about the bat flip was done well. I'm also a bit surprised we didn't see him get beaned the next at-bat. I love the bat flips and celebrations but I could see how and why a pitcher wouldn't like this. And how impressive is it that the bat landed in the exact spot where he tossed it from. Perfectly thrown bat up into the air. We're seeing more and more of these bat flips in baseball, mostly in college, and I am here for it. This has to be the leader in the clubhouse right now for bat flip of the season. The height puts it over the top if you ask me.