
The Tony LaRussa Experiment Is Not Working Out Whatsoever

It’s an absolute fucking joke that Tony LaRussa was forced on the front office, players and fans. He SUCKS at managing right now. That’s not to say he doesn’t deserve his accolades for his Hall of Fame career prior to this stint but...he ain’t it right now. The true heir to the White Sox throne is coaching in Detroit right now.

I know I said it’s positive vibes only from here on out, but I will make it loud and clear that Tony LaRussa is exempt from that. I will continue to rag on him every time he does something stupid, and today was inexcusable. To admit to a fucking beat reporter that he knows the rules better than he does? Come the fuck on man

It sucks. He’s admitted game changing mistakes he’s made like 3x already. Hopefully he admits to himself that he’s not cut out for the dugout anymore. Yeah, the Sox are banged up and have a few of their key players on the IL, but TLR has been their biggest detriment through the first month of the season.

Thank god the players will win in spite of him