
Artificial Intelligence Has Written A New Song By Kurt Cobain Even Though He's Super Dead And It Kinda Slaps

As part of the Lost Tapes of the 27 Club, a project that is using artificial intelligence to create new music in the style of famous musicians who died at the age of 27, the "new" Nirvana song “Drowned in the Sun” was born. The Lost Tapes of the 27 Club zeroes in on famous musicians whose lives were cut short, talents like Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Amy Winehouse and of course Cobain, and uses AI to analyze dozens of an artist’s songs to create something new and original in their trademark style.

There’s no doubt this new Nirvana tune evokes the trademark vibe of Cobain’s gritty guitars and crunchy melodies, and the AI actually generated some very Cobain-esque lyrics, including the chorus, “I don’t care, I feel as one, drowned in the sun.” The song-writing was all handled by AI, though Nirvana tribute band lead singer Eric Hogan helped provide the Cobain-esque growl to bring the lyrics to life.'s a wrap for humans. I was always sort of suspicious of A.I., but not that scared. If you want to make an algorithm that can play chess or map the genome or code the internet or drive cars...go nuts. Knock yourself out. That could be good for humans and we can train robots to do all the nerd shit and manual labor that I never really wanted to do anyways. This though...this is a problem. Now robots can take the jobs that humans actually want. If robots can simply process the thoughts and minds of our species most successful artists then there is nothing we can do. This song is good. It's very Kurt Cobain. He inspired a generation of musicians trying to knock off his sound and nobody could do it as well as this robot. Now this thing is going to start performing to sell out crowds with a hologram that it designed itself and then invite groupies back stage to suck its robot dick. Wait until robots start studying Belichick. They'll take over football too. No more fat and jolly Andy Reids. No more morons kicking field goals down 4 with no timeouts and under 2 mins. It'll just be computers thinking better than we could ever think ourselves and we will have nothing to do except eat, drink, further the population until the robots decide we can't do that either. The fact that they can bring a guy back from the dead is incredible. They gotta set AI on to all of our best and brightest now. Let them read Dostoevsky, Einstein, Nietzche, Lcoke, and Jung and at least maybe the robots can teach us how to live in the world and be better humans. Humans suck at being humans. We need to create something that can tell us how to be if we aren't going to have any jobs or place where we can put our own creativity. Help me be happy as I sit around doing nothing for the rest of my life, robots. That's not too much to ask. Oh, and maybe give me new Notorious BIG. That's it.