Let's Take A Moment To Reminisce About Irina Shayk

I feel like Instagram leveled the playing field for smoke shows. Not too long ago, maybe 5-6 years max, I feel like we put Victoria's Secret angels on this deified pedestal, and rightfully so. Now days there are thousands of aesthetically pleasing women going punch for punch with any Victoria's Secret angel in the game and it's because IG gives them the platform to be smoking hot and not need to be "found". Am I wrong here? I don't know. I just feel like Victoria's Secret angels are hardly ever heard from these days and it's because the market place has become watered down with a billion other smokes that have no problem stepping into the ring with them. But Irina Shayk is so fuck you hot it doesn't matter. She stands the test of time. Sure, I may have forgotten she existed until I saw another site post about her this morning, but it doesn't matter. She's a true OG of the smoke game and we should all grovel at her feet. 

Lady's and gentlemen, the Iron Sheik:

I will never forgive Bradley Cooper for thinking he was too good for her. Fuck him