
The Toronto Raptors Just Beat The Ever Living Shit Out Of The Warriors

NBA Photos. Getty Images.

It's not very often you see a score of an NBA game and your eyes jump out of your skull. Well what happened tonight in Toronto Tampa certainly qualifies. Yes, Steph Curry and Draymond Green did not play in this game. I should mention that because it is somewhat important. At the same time, holy christ. A 46-14 quarter? A 53 point loss that got as high as 60 at one point? How is that even possible. Even without those two active, the Warriors still have NBA players on their roster. It's not like the Raptors are world beaters this season either. To think this was a one point game after the first 12 minutes and then in the next 36 it ballooned to 53 is not exactly something you see every day. 

If you're Steve Kerr, what do you say in the locker room? You have to just burn the tape and forget this ever happened. I cannot imagine there is a single positive thing to take away from an ass whooping like this. I know this morning I talked about Jokic/Dame and that MVP race, but is this the best case anyone could make for Steph? How many other teams in the NBA lose by 53 to a 19-30 team when you take away their best player. I'm thinking not many. 

My brain then started to wonder if this will matter at all when it comes to his pending extension. Then I remembered he's going to get 200M+ so I'm pretty sure this loss means nothing to him. So while things currently don't look great

they'll look a whole lot better once Klay is back, Draymond plays and maybe they flip some assets for other proven NBA players. But for the moment? Sheesh.