
Stephen Strasburg Ruptured a Tendon In His Calf...But The Good News Is We Have Evolved Beyond Even Needing That Tendon Anymore, And Some Some People Don't Even Have It, So He'll Be Fine

Lynne Sladky. Shutterstock Images.



We always talk about weird baseball injuries. Falling asleep in tanning beds, cutting a steak, falling off a horse. For some reason weird injuries stalk baseball players like prey. But I've seen this before- a player injuring a body part that we don't even need anymore. 




This is amazing. Who even knew we had a part of our calf that we could toss in the trash? And it's so perfectly Stephen Strasburg to injure it. In fact, the muscle is so unimportant that some of us don't even have the freakin' thing!



Incredible. Hurting a muscle that sometimes doesn't even exist anymore. Just another notch on Strasburg's list of achievements.