
GETTLEFINGER STRIKES AGAIN! The Giants Land Another Big Free Agent By Signing Adoree' Jackson To A 3-Year Deal


This is the offseason us Giants fans have earned after crawling through 500 yards of salary cap shit that Jerry Reese left behind (along with a fair chunk Dave Gettleman flushed down the toilet in his first couple of years). However all is fine now since it at least looks like there may actually be a real NFL football team representing Big Blue next season.

Now I would never claim to be a filmhead like Steven Cheah or some super smart football nerd that spends his time breaking down only the most advanced analytics so I can write snarky tweets on Twitter or even someone who knew anything about Adoree' Jackson before the Giants started showing interest this week. But what I do know that in my head I can hear Troy Aikman saying "Adoree' Jackson" in a glowing manner multiple times in a playoff game, which is just as important as anything I would read in a player's scouting report. 

That being said, this isn't such a bad thing to see.

It sounds like one issue with Adoree' is that he was injured a bunch the last two seasons resulting in just 14 regular season games played. However, he didn't miss a game in his first two seasons and the Giants have long had one of the most respected and knowledgable medical staffs in the National Football League.


Adoree' bailing on the Eagles makes this even sweeter, even though I'm pretty sure he would've had to pay Philly in order to play for their capped out asses.

The Titans just outright cutting Adoree' is a concern considering Tennessee couldn't cover receivers as is last season. But that could definitely be the result of a salary cap that got train ran on it by the coronavirus. I always like when a team takes a chance on talent, which Adoree' clearly has considering he was a first round pick coming out of USC. Putting him in a secondary with James Bradberry, Jabril Peppers, Logan Ryan, Xavier McKinney, Darnay Holmes and a bunch of corners who could hypothetically make some sort of minor leap is HUGE for a league that allegedly is a passing league (source: Every NFL announcer ever). I can't wait to see what type of chaos Patrick Graham can cook up with all those options along with a big and strong defensive line anchored by Leonard Williams and Sexy Dexy Lawrence.

Also I'm a sucker for a guy who could do stuff like this in college just because the memory of young JPP lives in my heart forever.

Giphy Images.

Speaking of college players, the G-Men can focus on drafting guys that can either get to the opposing quarterback or stop guys from getting to their own quarterback. Maybe even get crazy and actually draft a linebacker with a decent pick or gasp get really crazy and trade down for once. God damn it's nice to just have options and feel like your favorite team is moving in the right direction for once.


P.S. Kenny G shirts still for sale. Get excited Giants fans. We've earned the right to have hope again.