
The Most Ridiculous Brawl Ever Broke Out At A Bath & Body Works

Blogger's Note: I wrote about this brawl 9 months ago but the remix of the video is going viral now since I think people missed it the first time and probably think this is a fight due to the craziness of the holiday season instead of just a good old fashioned dust up 

Plus daddy can always use some pageviews before end of year reviews, so we are republishing it this morning for everyone that missed it since 99% of the news this morning is either about COVID or Steph Curry's 3 point record that we've known was coming forever.

You know the world has gone to hell in a hand basket when people are beating the snot out of each other in a Bath & Body Works. The closest thing to violence that takes place in there is the calming cucumber watermelon smells combining with lavender, vanilla, and whatever the seasonal scent of the month to run train on the nasal cavities of anyone who enters. Simply walking by a Bath & Body Works can cause you to get jacked up by the fragrances wafting outside the store that can stifle you like a Brandon Jacobs Truck Stick.

The only people who should be looking to throw hands are the husbands and boyfriends that have been sitting on mall benches scrolling their phones until its scorching hot with 5% battery left as their ladies peruse through $20 soaps that will make your hands smell like they got freaky with a 7 layer cake. 

However if a brouhaha does break out, nobody has to worry because Bath & Body Works employees apparently have been trained how to bring the pain to an unruly customer better than anyone in the retail business. That was some of the best mauling I've seen in years. If Coach Judge wants to continue to think outside the box to teach technique like he did with duct taping tennis balls to his DBs hands, he will have these fine young ladies teach the O-Line the proper technique to double team and pancake a pass rusher while the fella with the Captain Cons haircut can clearly coach up any team.