Heather Martin Was Big Time Disrespected All Season Long on The Bachelor

On Monday night’s Women Tell All episode of The Bachelor, we saw the women discuss all the big moments from this season. Victoria bullying, Anna calling Brittany an escort, Katie snitching to Matt, Heather showing up to....oh wait. They actually didn’t discuss Heather. After teasing Heather’s arrival for WEEKS it looks like producers invited her to the WTA but didn’t put her segment into the show. Heather was embarrassed by showing up late, quarantining, and then immediately getting sent home by Matt. Then they invite her to the WTA taping and just completely cut her out. Oh sorry! Not worth even showing once! It looked like they actually tried to cut around her. The only time we actually saw her was when the camera panned around the back of the group and we could see the back of her head.

Poor Heather. Listen to our full recap of the Women Tell All here:

