
Illinois Is Turning The United Center Into A Max Vaccination Site Starting March 10th

Annnnnnnnndddddd down the stretch they come!!!!!!!!

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We've made it, folks. Well, we've almost made it, as we still have months to go with this shit show. There's still a LOT of work to do, but there's a good shot we can start to live pretty normally this summer. Illinois, as a whole, is doing VERY well with COVID right now. This dude does an awesome job laying our progress (or lack thereof) each day with regards to the virus:


Can't say the same for our leadership, but it's about goddamn time IL has started ramping up their vaccine distribution. About goddamn time. In the coming months, there could very well be a surplus of doses available not just in IL, but in the entire country and when that's the case, we should be completely 100% open. Come summer, all the things we love and miss should be back… I'm talking baseball games, concerts, indoor dining, movies, and all that good shit. If there's not and all we're doing is protecting people who don't want the vaccine, then we riot. FUCK that. Nobody is forcing the vaccine on anybody but I don't give a shit about protecting people that don't want to protect themselves and I feel like most people would agree with that. 

I am at my dad's in Warrenville right now watching his dog. I'm the only one here and last night I got stoned off 3chi and went down a Coronavirus rabbit hole on reddit because I'm weirdly obsessed with this shit. There are some experts that say there's an off chance America will reach herd immunity as early as May. They say this is possible (far from guaranteed) because of new vaccines being approved and distributed, current vaccines already administered, and natural immunities already built up in people who've already been infected with the virus. Coronavirus is here to stay and we will never ever completely wipe it off the map, but we can turn it into "just the flu" with how things are progressing right now… and before you shit talk me for the Flu comment, take a look at the Illinois Department of Health's website and check out the ages of those who have unfortunately succumbed to the disease. The fact is that younger people can handle this virus just find for the most part. Obviously there are always exceptions to that rule, but in general, if someone 50 or younger gets the virus, chances are they'll be fine. With 100K+ being vaccinated each day in Illinois alone, old people and whoever wants a vaccination should be able to get one pretty soon if they haven't already.


 It's within reach. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. This bodes very well for summer. I can feel it in my plumbs.