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'The Challenge: Double Agents' Ep. 11 Recap & Power Rankings - Give CT The Goof

*Spoilers Obviously Ahead. Again, this is your warning* 

We're going to keep these blogs going. If we can't have No Quitters (RIPIP, send all complaints on Twitter) we're going to have the blog damnit. The Challenge is too damn good of a show to not be talked about. Each Thursday I'll drop one of these recaps and power rankings so we all can argue about America's fifth sport. Maybe I'll convince the other guys from No Quitters to do a chat and we'll post the chat like it's the old podcast

You're going to be shocked by Josh cried, got shut down and remains a big, dumb bitch

This fucking guy man. Listen, we've all been rejected. We've all been put in the friend zone at some point. If you haven't, you simply haven't shot your shot enough. This big, dumb bitch shot his shot with Nany. Yep, the same Nany who is known for hooking up with rookies in the first couple of episodes each season. What happens? She calls him his brother. He tried to spinzone it, which makes sense since incest is in thanks to Game of Thrones. She rejected him again. It was BRUTAL to watch, but hilarious because it was Josh. It was just a peak Josh episode though. We had this, we had him missing the rope during the daily challenge, we had him saying how he was ready to go defend his skull and then back away from that immediately and we had him crying. This time he cried because he has friends. Big dumb bitch. 

This season officially isn't good 

I had high hopes for this season but we need to get back to the roots. We need more people like Devin where it's a political game and more focused on drinking and fucking people over. I don't give a shit about the 60 minute challenges on TV. Show me the partying, show me the hooking up and show me the backstabbing. I know it's tough to hit on every season when you're 30+ seasons in but there's too much Big Brother right now for my liking. I don't even dislike the skull idea this year, I just don't want it to be every season like this. We need to switch it up after this, get back to public voting and bring back more partying. 

Lolo quit and made all of us hate the US Olympic team for a few minutes

This goddamn weirdo virgin. Lolo is a crazy person through and through and that shined this season. She kept running her mouth about how no one wanted to see her because she's an Olympic athlete yet she never won a challenge. She kept blaming Nam for everything and then ranting about teamwork. All I know is she sucks. She sucked during the swimming challenge yesterday and then we had the weirdest quit of all time. They came back from commercial and it was just her telling everyone that this was an easy million dollars (she never won a challenge) but she needed to get right to train for the Olympics. Immediately I hated that I had to cheer for America in the Olympics because of her. She needs to be on The Challenge going forward but specifically for a villain team. 

TJ made Big T cry with the greatest compliment one can have

CT/Big T won the daily challenge. It was a below average challenge that took way too long on TV. They had to jump on a rope hanging from a helicopter, hold onto said rope and then drop and swim to a platform. 


Big T dominated the challenge and CT hit her with a 'you killed it.' It was so pure that Big T got emotional. Can't blame her. I don't want to talk about the challenge because of how stupid it was. But it did set up this.

Give CT the goof

CT was hanging out in a room with some of the Big Brother alliance when he dropped one of the greatest lines ever. He said 'give me the goof.' The producers hit us with an even better move just putting The Goof on Josh. CT's plan to piss Josh off and then rip his head off is vintage CT and we needed to see it. It's my favorite thing in the season right now. It was pretty clear right off the bat it was Devin vs The Goof for the house vote. 

Kam is running the Big Brother Alliance 

So the producers made it seem like Darrell would be the swing vote. It sounded like numbers were even and Darrell would ultimately decide Devin or The Goof. I actually loved Devin playing the layup card during deliberation saying you'd rather see him in the Finals instead of CT. But there was a quick moment they showed during the voting where Kam voted Nam/Lolo. So instead of a split vote (they told CT they'd vote for The Goof) it was 8-5-2 and Darrell's vote didn't matter. It also wouldn't show up on the voting that they voted for Devin. It was a genius move, for now. Right now all the heat is on Darrell and CT is pissed at him. I still need CT/Darrell to team up. They are both on the Mt. Rushmore of guy contestants in Challenge history and I don't like them on opposite sides right now. 

We got our first cliffhanger 
As Devin and Gabby ended up in the crater we got a note that there was a security breach. I have no idea what it means but we know from the midseason promo whatever happens CT is coming back. There's that scene of him and Fessy nose to nose in wigs and we haven't seen that yet. Last time we saw something like this it was Ashley coming back because too many females left due to injury. Personally I just hope we get every guy down in the crater and some sort of royal rumble elimination to advance. Just give me CT vs Josh.

Power Rankings


9. Josh

8. Nam

7. Cory

6. Darrell

5. Devin

4. Kyle

3. CT

2. Leroy

1. Fessy


7. Big T

6. Nany

5. Aneesa

4. Gabby

3. Amber B.

2. Kam

1. Kaycee

Team Rankings

Cory and Nam are currently rogue agents

7. Josh/Nany

6. CT/Big T

5. Devin/Gabby

4. Fessy/Aneesa

3.Darrell/Amber B.

2. Leroy/Kaycee

1. Kyle/Kam