Tennessee Is Using a McDonald's Bag as Its Home Run Prop This Season, Trolling Its Own Football Program, and It's Awesome

I don't care whose feelings in the football program get hurt by this, it's fantastic. Every Tennessee athletics program is going to be seeing McDonald's taunts for the foreseeable future any time they go on the road, so we're just going to claim it as our thing. We're taking bags full of cash back so you can't use them against us.

For those who may not remember, Dan Patrick said after Jeremy Pruitt was fired that he heard Tennessee coaches were handing out cash to recruits in McDonald's bags. And that may or may not be true — I'm less inclined to believe that's exactly what happened, given that in the same breath, Patrick said to be on the lookout for Jason Witten to be the next UT head coach — but we were obviously cheating pretty flagrantly for coaches to get fired for cause, so it was probably something similar.

But with the way the men's basketball program is playing right now — football isn't even in the discussion for obvious reasons — the No. 18 BaseVols are the best team on campus so they can do whatever they want. I hope the fun police don't scrap this, because there isn't a home run prop in the country that can compete with the beautiful simplicity that is the Tennessee McDonald's bag.

I'm Lovin' It.

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