
Of All Sidney Crosby's Highlights My Favorite Is When He Called PK Subban A Fucking Idiot

Maybe I am just a simpleton, but I love this little 6 second clip of Crosby and Subban. There's been seemingly endless clips and tributes of Crosby all over the internet for his 1000th game, but they didn't include this moment from the 2017 Finals where he dropped a "ya fuckin' idiot" in Subban's face. Legitimately makes me laugh out loud. 

Subban's "fuck you" is maybe the worst fuck you of all time. It sounded like Kermit the Frog with the same amount of teeth. Absolutely ZERO bite in it. Subban's entire career literally went to hell after this moment. He was never the same. The Preds were never the same. Crosby won the Cup and Subban was traded to the Devils. You can't convince me that this wasn't a factor in his demise even it was subconscious. Can't have one of your more expensive players sound like a complete dink when he's barking at the best player of the generation on the game's biggest stage. Can't building a winning culture with loser fuck yous. That is a fact. 

Congrats to Sidney Crosby. In my opinion he's a top 5 player who ever lived. A guy who was hyped to the moon since he was 14 and still somehow lived up to expectations. He's become impossible for me to hate. Does everything right. If you hate Sid you have a dump in your pants or you're from Philadelphia.