
It's Perfectly Fine To Blow Off Family When Joe Thornton Has A Post-Game Private Jet To Vegas

When we interview current/former players on Spittin' Chiclets, there are a handful of names that always seem to elicit a smile and a funny story when brought up. Joe Thornton is one such guy. Now in his 23rd (!) season, Jumbo is a beloved teammate and one of the most respected players in the league. We've been hearing a bunch of Joe stories lately thanks to pieces like this one and former teammates who have popped by our show to share tales about the future HHOFer.

Washington Capitals defenseman Brenden Dillon joined us on today's ep and told us about the time he and a few San Jose Sharks jumped on a PJ to Vegas right after a game in Anaheim courtesy of Thornton. It was a couple of days before Christmas and Dillon's family was already awaiting him in San Jose to celebrate the break with him. 

The new acquisition was still feeling his way around the team and organization when he suddenly had the chance to tear it up in America's biggest party city with teammates and the legend Thornton. It was an easy decision. Family could wait a day to catch up while Dillon, Thornton, and the other Sharks feasted on all that Sin City has to offer. And Jumbo picked up the tab for all of them, furthering his rep an absolute beauty.

We had Dillon on for a fun chat about his career including what he thinks is the best AHL city to play in. We were also joined by longtime Pittsburgh radio host Mark Madden to talk about Sidney Crosby and the buzz surrounding the team lately. Whit and Biz had a relationship with him from back in their Penguins days so we brought him on. Me and Madden had a Twit-beef before but 2017 might as well be the Mesozoic Era when it comes to online, particularly after the last year. When we greeted each other before recording, there was nothing but cordiality and two guys who recognized that "it's just Twitter". I enjoyed his appearance and Madden is certainly an entertainer.

Listen to Episode 321 right here...