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Lindsay Lohan Took A Bunch Of Her Friends Out To Dinner, Ordered The Most Expensive Things On The Menu And Bounced

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Radar- According to Life & Style, the European traveler, 29, sat down for dinner at Sea Satin in Mykonos, Greece— but didn’t want to pay up! “She invited about 10 guy friends to dinner…and ordered crab legs and lobster— the most expensive things on the menu,” an insider told the magazine. The rehab alum, who has been spotted drinking again in recent months, was reportedly on her best behavior until the $1,300 check arrived. “Everyone, including Lindsay, split without paying!” the insider revealed. “She told the guys…not to worry about the bill.” The restaurant allegedly spent three days looking for Lohan, and one of her friends eventually covered the pricey tab. Possibly until now, the actress had been staying out of trouble since her relocation to London and frequent trips around Europe. She officially completed her eight-year probation stint in May following numerous run-ins with the law.




Take notes, people. This is how the rich stay rich.  That is of course assuming Lindsay Lohan has any money left. You never pay for anything.  It’s simple math.  If you never pay for anything then you never have less money and you become rich.  Done and done.  I absolutely love this idea of taking all of your friends out to dinner, buying the most expensive things on the menu and bouncing once the check arrives.  It’s a fool proof plan.  Your friends love you because you just treated them to a lovely meal and your bank account stays the exact same.  Win-win.  No better feeling than being like, “Don’t worry about the bill” when you have dinner with friends.  It’s very adult and you don’t feel like a poor person.  Hell, I feel like the boss of all bosses when I give my friends a stick of gum.  Imagine treating them to the best meal they’ve ever had in their lives. Well now even poor people can treat their friends using this Lohan method.  Go to the nicest steakhouse and order wine, cigars, booze, appetizers, desserts.  Anything and everything.  Live like a king, bolt out the door like you stole something and still be able to pay your rent.


PS- How the fuck is Lindsay Lohan only 29 years old?  I would’ve guessed 35 minimum.  Not only has she been around forever but her face would lead you to believe she’s almost 40.  I suppose that’s what happens when you spend your 20s doing gargantuan amounts of blow and smoking 8 packs a day.


Double PS- Parent Trap is in my top 10 movies of all-time and if you don’t agree then you’re a stupid person.