
Presenting The Most Bizarre Game-Winner You'll See In College Basketball This Season

I don't know if we've ever seen something like this work. We've seen it before for sure. In fact it cost Cincinnati a game last season: 

Or perhaps the most famous one - Roscoe Smith: 

Still laugh out loud funny to watch him just heave that shit in a tie game with 11 seconds to go. But back to last night, we had Longwood's DeShaun Wade launch one a halfcourt shot with 5 seconds left. Why? Because the shot clock never reset! He got fucked by the clock operator and you can see it when the red light pops on: 

Just the ultimate no, no, no, YES shot of all time. Love the reaction from the kid on Gardner-Webb too. Straight up disbelief and surrender cobra on the court: 

All I know is Longwood's coach has gotta have a sit down with the clock operator. You're at home! That shit needs to be to your advantage not causing halfcourt shots with 5 seconds left. I can guarantee we won't see something like this again this year and it's fitting it happened during the weirdest college basketball season ever. 
