Dr. Disrespect Experienced An Unrelenting Assault of Diarrhea That Only Experienced Diarrhea Havers Can Begin To Commiserate With
I don’t think people truly understand how difficult it is to conduct content-related business/entertainment when you are in the thick of a burning diarrhea bush the likes of which haven’t been seen since longtime stoolie Moses (brick by brick Moses) was standing around waiting to get the commandments of which there were 10.
This pain and suffering that Dr Disrespect is dealing with is something that I know all to well. You’re supposed to be knee deep in laughter and goofin on the radio but, like a drone during the Obama presidency, a mortar round hits your gut and your explode right in a porcelain potty. While the poisonous water escapes your butthole like Beau Bergdahl from his post in Afghanistan, you begin to wonder if your budget-conscious toilet can even swallow your Calcuttaesq river of sewage. Spoiler alert: it can’t. But, nevertheless, the show must and will go on. It doesn’t matter if that show is broadcast on YouTube or SiriusXm. It must and will go on, even if you have to bring in your wife. Been there. Don’t that.
Good luck to Dr Disrespect. Hopefully he is the kind of doctor who can prescribe medicine and not like a dinosaur doctor of some shit. No disrespect to Ross and I ain’t talkin Rick.