
Mr. Kraft Is Back! Eviscerates Roger Goodell in Press Conference and Apologizes to Patriot Nation


 Entire Press Conference

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Yesterday I ripped Mr. Kraft a new asshole.  I said he was dead to me.  Today he manned up and said he made a mistake.   That he never should have trusted the league. That he never should have gotten in bed with a lying scumbag piece of shit like Roger Goodell.  That he let Patriots fans down and he’ll regret it for the rest of his life.  Well guess what?  Apology accepted!   Mr. Kraft is back!   I’m reay to die for him again.   If Brady, Kraft or Belichick tell me to kill for them I’ll kill for them.   It’s Patriots vs. the World!   Let’s go!  Can we just fast forward to the superbowl already.   I can’t wait till Goodell has to hand Mr. Kraft his 5th Lombardi Trophy and Mr. Kraft smashes it over his head.  Mr. Kraft is back baby!  He’s back!



