
Everything Fucking Sucks

Another night, another game of me sitting here watching this shit team lose it in the end. It's unreal how this is happening this year. This time though? A bullshit call. You know it's a bullshit call when INDIANA fans are saying it on Twitter. Indiana fans are agreeing with Kentucky. 

That's not a foul. It's just not. That's all ball as pointed out by every single person not associated with Arkansas. Shit, even the former coordinator of officials was speechless with how bad they are.


You know why? They called the foul on Jacob Toppin. 

If you want to say he got hit in the head by Sarr, fine. But Sarr is getting pushed by an Arkansas player, so call that foul too. And listen, I get it. Kentucky fucking sucks. They are Duke level bad. It never should get to this point, especially when Kentucky shoots the way they did this game. I have no idea what the fuck to do when they just keep losing ways like this. I already have to listen to Karl Ravech who fucking sucks. The dude hates college basketball yet here we are rolling him out every night. I gotta deal with bullshit calls no matter what game I'm watching. But then this? 


I'm ready to never watch Sarr play basketball at Kentucky again. I don't care if he hit a couple shots in the second half, he's been a negative this year. You're a senior, how do you make that pass? Everything fucking sucks man. This was nearly my most anticipated season ever after not having an NCAA Tournament. I get this. At least BJ Boston called shit out. 

This shit makes me want to throw up.

Nothing makes sense. Nothing. The lineups, the record, Kentucky losing games, Karl Ravech. It all fucking sucks.