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It's Bad Vlad Guerrero's 46th Birthday. Celebrate By Watching These Outrageous Throws From Throughout His Career

Talk about a guy just before his time. 

If Vlad played today, with his attitude, his swagger, and his freakish talents he would be a super star. Between the 24/7 highlight reels, social media, and MLB finally trying to make a push to market their superstars Vlad would be an even bigger deal than he was 15-20 years ago.

Try to watch these highlights of these throws and not crack up laughing. I dare you.

I've watched that first one like ten times and laughed harder each time. The ball goes into the corner, first man scores. The camera cuts back to Vlad and he's just getting to the ball. Back away from showing Vlad to showing the runner rounding third to score standing up because there was no chance Guerrero was getting to the ball and bothering to throw home. Cut off man all the way. Then the ball comes on a fucking rope to home on a perfect one bouncer like a Tom Emanski garbage can baseball drill.

Or these of him going full Cricket mode smashing bounced pitches into outer space

Guy boasted a pretty gaudy career stat line as well

Happy birthday Vladimir. 

p.s.- The apple doesn't fall from the tree because his kids not too shabby either
