
Playboy Smokehouse Shawn Dillon Feels The Struggle Of Getting In Shape Just Like The Rest Of Us

I feel ya girl. Getting in shape is the worst. I’ll tell you how my weekend went. Friday- Zburger and drinking. Saturday- Zburger and drinking. Sunday- Chipotle and ice cream. When you tell yourself “gym starts tomorrow” every day, you trick yourself into eating whatever the fuck you want, because you’re starting a strict diet and workout regiment the next day. Then Sunday night comes and you’re sweating and considering going back for another burrito and finally decide “ok, gym starts tomorrow” and then go get ice cream. So yea, gym starts today. But see the thing is, it’s also going to be hot and sunny all week. So what am I supposed to do, not drink on a rooftop? That’s “it’s 90 degrees, get the fuck outside” Nate giving a big ol’ slap in the face and a kick in the balls to Winter’s “it’s 20 degrees and dark at 4:30 and now you’re uber depressed” Nate. It’s actually irresponsible to not be drinking outside when it’s sunny. Just remember when you’re at the gym in the Summer how depressing the Winter is. Gym starts in October.

Oh, and here’s more Shawn Dillon. (She’s kinda been off the radar for a while– maybe this is her comeback?)

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