Surviving Barstool S4 Ep. 13 | One Text Changes The GameWATCH NOW


Iowa State Football Team Surprises DE Mitchell Meyers After His Last Day Of Chemotherapy




Awesome.  Just wanted to touch on this because it’s great.  Very cool stuff from the Paul Rhoads and the Iowa State football team here.  Yes I’m obviously an Iowa football fan.  Yes I hope Iowa State loses every single game this season and for the rest of eternity in every sport.  But some things are more bigger and more important than state rivalries.  Way more important.  Like telling caner to go fuck itself when a rival is dealt a bad hand and supporting those around you who are trying to kick cancer’s ass like Mitchell Meyers is trying to do.  It had to mean a lot to him for all of his teammates to show up on his last day of chemotherapy.  A support system is as important as anything when a person is going through something like that.  Anybody who has ever been on any kind of team knows it’s like a family and you look after one another.  A football team is especially like that.  Here’s to hoping Mitchell sees the field sooner than later and can lose to the Hawkeyes when that game rolls around.



