
It's Still Early But We Might Have Just Seen The Save Of The Year In Handball

Andreas Palicka. You sick fuck, you. 

I know we're still in the first month of the year. But do you really think we're going to see a nastier save in handball this year than that one right there? Not a damn chance. 

We've all known for years now that Andreas Palicka is one of the best goaltenders in the world. I don't have to tell you guys how dominant this man has been for years now. You know it, I know it, the whole world knows it. I mean how could you possibly forget 2018 when he was one of the top 3 goalkeepers in the tournament, leading team Sweden to a silver medal at the World Championship? The man is a beast. 

But at 34 years old? To still be pulling the acrobatics like this to make a preposterously insane save against a powerhouse French team?

Dude is insane. Hardly even human. That's vintage Palicka. 

And it wasn't just Palicka. On both ends of the floor, the whole Swedish team was balling today. 

