Thank You Charles Payne For Going On TV And Telling Wall Street To Eat His Entire Ass (So To Speak)



That's the best. When they tell it exactly like it is. When they don't talk to us like we're babies. Like Wall Street is the king and we're the sorry people. No. He puts it straight- Wall Street was giggling and eating steaks on Madison Ave when they were shorting 140% of GameStop shares. But when it got flipped on them, all of a sudden it's an issue? Fuck that. I cannot stress this enough about what happened today. They took money out of everyone's pockets to save the billionaires who have been shorting stocks and putting companies out of business for YEARS. 

Here's another way of explaining it:



Robinhood traders caught up to big bad Wall Street. We had the ball on the 2 yard line and they decided nope, you're on the wrong 2 yard line now, you have to go another 98 to score. Constantly moving the goal posts on us. Hopefully today was eye-opening to everyone- politicians, the common man, everyone. I don't think the Wall Street cunts will change though. They refuse to change. They will keep trying to skull fuck us as long as they can. But hopefully today made people pay attention and bring in some change. I mean I can't get over it, they literally stopped us from buying "Reddit Stocks" to keep us from making money. It's crazy. Simply crazy.


I don't know what happens tomorrow. The stonks are flying post-market now. I don't know what the answers are. Not for nothing, this all has been very fun to cover and write about. Wild world out there. Be safe with your investments. Don't take advice from Barstoolsports. And pray for $AMC.



PS: Fuck this guy too. Always. Might end every blog with this reminder for the rest of my life. Fuck this old fuck.