
'The Challenge: Double Agents' Ep. 7 Recap & Power Rankings - Villains, Morons And A+ Stirring Up Shit

*Spoilers Obviously Ahead. Again, this is your warning* 

We're going to keep these blogs going. If we can't have No Quitters (RIPIP, send all complaints on Twitter) we're going to have the blog damnit. The Challenge is too damn good of a show to not be talked about. Each Thursday I'll drop one of these recaps and power rankings so we all can argue about America's fifth sport. Maybe I'll convince the other guys from No Quitters to do a chat and we'll post the chat like it's the old podcast.

Did Theresa turn villain? Is she smart? What the hell is going on out here? 

This was by far the 'Theresa episode.' Felt like we were due for it since they ended last episode with her as the mastermind and everyone pissed off - we'll get to that in a second. But we had Theresa going villain or weirdo or something. I've always been a Theresa fan. I've also always been attracted to Theresa, probably go hand-in-hand here. But we had her and CT discussing how CT would want to throw Darrell in because he doesn't want to go against him in a Final, because Darrell is a MONSTER in finals. Even a bigger monster than CT. Theresa has tried to align with some of the rookies and is just pissing people off left and right. I won't lie, I don't hate the moves. It's an individual game that you have to do what's best for you. 

These people are so goddamn stupid when it comes to understanding the game

How fucking stupid are most of these people? Everyone freaking out that Theresa threw Kam into the last elimination. You need a skull in order to make the final. You HAVE to go into an elimination. Why do people not understand this? Why is everyone freaking out when they get thrown in, you have to. Same goes when Leroy was talking to Kam about wanting to go in. Her whole 'I don't want him to go home' well guess what? He's either going home before the Final or getting a skull. Pretty fucking simple. Granted I'm not surprised the stupid squad is still fighting and not understanding why Fessy 'went against friends' and Nelson. Cory, I love you man, but you are so bad at the political side of this. It's wild that people don't understand the concept yet. Last year everyone wanted to go in for the same reason, this group just can't grasp it. 

Devin is the greatest pot stirrer this side of Gaz 



Devin is putting on a HELL of a show this season. Granted he's my guy since he's also a big time college hoops fan, but I love his move of just stirring shit up with the Big Brother crew. Just to confirm, here's what the people at Big Brother have gotten pissed at Devin for so far:

- Asking Josh to solve math

- Saying 'Big Brother sucks' 

- Mooning Fessy

- Saying Fessy is raising is his voice

It's a masterclass in shit stirring these eyes haven't seen since Gaz decides to mix it up with Barstool people. He's the best at it. Honestly, it's the most entertaining thing this season. This episode he got under Fessy and Josh's skin simply by being Devin. Devin can play on my team any day of the week. Speaking of Josh

Your weekly Josh is a big, dumb bitch update

CT really said this. That's a real quote and finished it up with 'because he's a manchild.' Also I don't want, I NEED that old school MTV shirt CT is wearing. It's beyond fire. I just wish CT went old school here and called him a big dumb bitch and tried to kick his ass like he did Adam. That would make the season. Sure losing CT would suck because he's high comedy now, but watching him destroy Josh is worth it. Josh's big, dumb bitch scale today was like a 7.6. He tells Fessy that all Devin does is get under people's skin and not to fall for it RIGHT before he lets Devin get under his skin. He does this heavy breathing and counting thing and pushes Devin. Dude stinks. 

The Challenge

It happened? It was a decent idea, they had to hang onto this cargo net hanging from a helicopter over water and push people off. Two different heats of 5 people. But the guys just didn't do it. A real let down. I wanted to see CT go nuclear. Fessy could have thrown some weight around. Nam is built like a statue. Instead, just nothing. Leroy and Kaycee beat Jay and Theresa by a second, which is important but the challenge sucked. Speaking of the challenge.

TJ was mad and dropped a 'you guys fucking sucked' which is damn close to the dreaded Q-word

When we get to the elimination, TJ drops a bomb - a twist that could change everything. He tells the guys that they fucking sucked, which is so close to quitters. He says their votes don't count because they don't deserve it. Honestly, I love when TJ gets pissy. We need more of it. Unfortunately it didn't change one thing as Jay and Theresa were still voted in from the house vote. Leroy decides to throw himself in to get his skull against Jay, which is just a smart play. Again, you NEED a skull. Leroy understood that. I saw people questioning if Leroy dropped that he's retiring, he said it before the season that this was his last season. 

Leroy put on a ridiculous show


We went back to the well from episode 1 with the elimination. I actually liked Jay in this one with his rock climbing background and everything. The entire thing took less than a minute, Jay was awesome but Leroy put on a fucking show man. He was flying. He won with ease and eliminated Jay. He decides to stick with Kaycee because Kam told him too. Not a bad decision because him and Kam can stay separate without one big target on their back. I do miss the goofy Leroy who was paired with guys like Michael in Rivals, but this Leroy can win a title finally. 

Power Rankings


10. Mechie

9. Nam

8. Josh

7. Cory

6. Kyle

5. Darrell

4. Leroy

3. Devin

2. CT

1. Fessy


10. Gabby

9. Big T

8. Amber B

7. Nany

6. Amber M

5. Lolo

4. Aneesa

3. Theresa

2. Kam

1. Kaycee

Team Rankings

10. Mechie/Amber M.

9. Nam/Lolo

8. Josh/Nany

7. Darrell/Amber B

6. CT/Big T

5. Devin/Gabby

4. Fessy/Aneesa

3. Cory/Theresa

2. Leroy/Kaycee

1. Kyle/Kam