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Lance Lynn Is Going To Be A Goddamn DOG In The White Sox Rotation This Year, Mark My Words

Big time episode of Red Line Radio dropped today featuring White Sox new SP Lance Lynn. This motherfucker is going to be a DOG in the White Sox rotation. Before we get into why, unsubscribe/resubscribe/download/rate/review the show 5 stars and all that jazz on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and whatever other platforms we're hosted on. 


Thank you. Now let's get back to brass tacks. Lance Lynn has been one of the very best starting pitchers in baseball the last two years. That is an objective fact, as he's had 2 straight seasons finishing top 6 in Cy Young voting. Dude is just a horse; in an era where 200IP is a LOT for a SP, Lynn toped that mark in 2019 and paced for about 227IP last year in the shortened season. With a rotation that will have young and unproved (thus far) arms in their 4 and 5 slots (unless the Sox sign Bauer lol), Lynn's acquisition is huge in keeping the pen fresh for when they'll be needed in Kopech and Cease' starts early in the year.

But in the interview we got a little taste of what goes on in his brain. Dude is going to fit in VERY well with Sox fans. Loves to pound beer. Has a little bit of a 108 gut. Has a workman "fuck you" attitude on the mound. Has the beard going strong, yada yada. But the dude gets it done on the mound, and because he's a pitcher that came from an organization that has a great championship pedigree in the STL Cardinals, his brain is exactly what a young Sox roster needed to be close to rounded out. It's not too dissimilar to Keuchel stepping in in spring training 2020 and saying, "yeah this is how we're going to attack things off the field that will lead to wins on the field here". You can NEVER have too much of that mind set in your locker room.

So go listen to the show. The focus on this blog in particular was with Lynn, but we also talked Bears and their never ending search to find a franchise QB, the Bulls and how we finally like watching them again, the Hawks and how we hate watching them, and the Cubs and how they're going to be dog shit. 


PS - and a big PS - 

We recorded this episode around 330pm eastern yesterday. You'll notice I said I was going to stop bitching about Reinsdorf and his lack of spending like a large market team. I decided this was my course of action because I was getting hammered on twitter for calling out Reinsdorf's bullshit and thought I might have been wrong perhaps. This team is loaded and could win it all this year, and I don't want to be a negative Nancy because of that, so I said "fuck it I'll drop it". Well that was before this report came out:

Ya see what I mean? Are you fucking KIDDING me? 

First off - Hendriks is making $11MM in 2021 - that's nothing with respect to baseball salaries. The White Sox payroll will also be less this year than it was in 2020. That's not a bad thing per se, but to say that you're tapped out financially while sitting around league average in payroll while also saying you want to win the World Series? Yeah, that doesn't sit well with me. Both things cannot be true at the same time. You can't say you're "all in" while also failing to address glaring holes in the roster and sitting around 13th or 14th in payroll in a major media market. It doesn't work like that.

The Mets are all in. The Jays are all in. The Padres are all in. The White Sox? Yeah, they might win it all this year, but it will be in spite of their owner, not because of him. 

Now, I still choose to believe, perhaps stupidly, that the White Sox aren't done adding this winter. Call me a moron for having hope, but I do. Whether or not that happens remains to be seen, but as I construct this blog, I refuse to believe they're not going to augment the roster more knowing that there are still holes to fill. Just my $0.02 and I hope I'm right and that Nightengale just got played by Jerry. In that case, good on ya Jerry. 

But.......... yeah. We'e seen that movie before. Jerry gonna Jerry. So disgusting.