
The NCAA Is Not Fucking Around With Tournament Protocols - Bans Coaches From Going To Games And Scouting Opponents

What a weird ass season.  From traditional teams looking like shit, to upstarts across the country and now these NCAA Tournament rules. Don't get me wrong, I get it. The entire thing is how to make sure the NCAA Tournament goes off without missing any time or pauses. So we're going to see weird ass rules like this in order for that to happen. I'm already trying to figure out how I'll change capping games because of this. If Georgia somehow makes it, I fully expect that they'll make a run since Tom Crean won't have to look at a 2-3 zone again. 

Here's the list of the rest of the rules: 

No eating or drinking on the bus or plane is BRUTAL. If you have to take a bus from let's say 300 miles that's going to take a few hours. What happens if you have some dry throat? You need a drink. Call me crazy, but after listening to The Dogwalk snake draft, I'd 100% need an Orange Gatorade, a couple Slim Jims and Sour Patch Kids. Get me through the road trip with that and some mindless comedy on Netflix. I'd possibly throw in some Twizzlers. They are a great road trip snack, especially when you're driving. And I won't hear any Orange Gatorade slander, it's my go-to and my order. I may also be ranking Gatorade flavors here soon. 


I said it before and I'll say it again, I still don't know why they didn't push back the start of the NCAA Tournament. It would have made the whole process easier while not taking away anything. Let them get to the bubble and truly isolate like the NBA did. Going to miss seeing the band at these things. Someone ALWAYS delivers from the band. 

All I know is one thing is clear. The show goes on. The NCAA Tournament is going to happen because the NCAA needs it to happen. There will be crazy protocols like this and I'm sure more shit will pop up, but we're going to get a Tournament.