
An NFL Exec on Aaron Rodgers and the Packers: 'This Thing is Going Nuclear'

A lot has happened in the two days since Aaron Rodgers turned a question about of one of his teammates and turned it into a chance to vent about the uncertainty of his future with Green Bay. Rodgers has talked about it some and said he didn't necessarily say anything he hasn't said before. His GM said there's no way they're moving on from Rodgers. 

Which to me as a Boston guy, sounds vaguely familiar. We lived through practically this same situation a year ago, with both sides doing the equivalent of "We're not arguing; we're having a discussion. Now go back to bed," while I sobbed all the way up the stairs. And while that one ended amicably, it also ended permanently. In spite of all the denials of any problems. 

And if this report from Jason LaConfora has any truth to it, Rodgers and Green Bay are heading to the same Family & Probate Court. Only it's about to get all messy up in here. 

Source - On Sunday night, I got a text from a number that I did not recognize within minutes of sending a tweet about why I believe the 49ers make the most sense to be Aaron Rodgers' next team. The text inquired as to why a different team wouldn't be an even more fitting destination. …

Turns out it was an NFL head coach, who leads the team that was asked about in the text. …

And the sentiment he expressed has been echoed by other coaches, general managers, executives and agents around the league over the past two days, all of whom are convinced a bitter divorce is pending. …

"Everything you said is true," the head coach said to me about all of the potential roadblocks his team might face to a Rodgers trade, "but trust me we want in on this thing. It's never really been good between him and the coach. It's been a long feeling-out process, and it looks like it's over. Aaron knows exactly what he is saying and exactly what he is doing." …

An NFL assistant coach said: "It's been the worst kept secret in football. I don't think they've ever really won him over. Last year they held him back, and then they picked his replacement in the draft. This guy is nothing if not calculated. He's sending a signal to the rest of the league – Come and get me." 

Then in regards to Packers president Mark Murphy saying there's no way Rodgers will be traded:

"How about talking to your quarterback first before you put out that statement, or just waiting to see if he says it for himself?" said one long-time NFL executive. "Totally tone deaf. That's exactly what not to do. That thing is going to go nuclear. Trust me. The quarterback wants out."

So that's a head coach, an assistant coach and a long-time executive all saying the same thing. That this situation is much worse than the two sides are making it out to be. Less "A Marriage Story" and more "Total Recall." 

And a player agent went on to explain how Rodgers has all the leverage. That if he doesn't get what he wants, he can pull "a Carson Palmer" and just threaten to retire and Green Bay will have no choice but to cave. 

Even if this is all just speculation from outsiders - which I doubt because secrets like bad blood between a three-time MVP and his franchise don't stay secrets long - it's one of those perception-is-reality situations. If the whole league believes you're available in a trade, your own team believes it and hits a point of no return thing. Once Murphy starts fielding offers, you reach a moment you can't pull back from. So if this going to get resolved, it has to be soon or it won't be at all. 


All we know for sure is this is not going to go away with a few interviews. And it won't get boring. Stay tuned.