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We Were Apparently Very Close To Seeing Visions Cock & Balls In 'Avengers: Age of Ultron'

ICYMI during our discussion with Vision actor Paul Bettany, he gave us this little nugget of information regarding his statement about Vision's cock and balls. He joked about how he got headline sniped in that interview, but clarified to us that now-disgraced director Joss Whedon was very adamant about the Marvel audience getting a glimpse at Vision's shmeet. Apparently so much so, that it took intervention from studios heads like Kevin Feige to stop it from happening. 

Turns out that giving us a look at a big purple dong was not worth getting an R-rating to the fine folks at Disney, imagine that! I also can't quite imagine the audience reaction to seeing any sort of sexual organ in a marvel movie, CGI or otherwise. However, if I had my choice, I would like to see what happens to the Hulks junk when he goes green. Does it stay the same size while he grows? Or does it size up with him? Many questions need answering here. 

You can listen to our full interview below: