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The Show Goes On - Senior VP Says NCAA Tournament Won't Be Paused Or Delayed If A Top Player Or Team Has A Positive Test

What, did you think the NCAA would act like the Big 10 and Ohio State football? Nope. Not until their hand is forced at least. I was fascinated to see what would happen here. There isn't a Zion or Trae or someone like that who is just dominating the stories every single night. We do have Gonzaga/Baylor vs the field though. What happens if Jalen Suggs, Jared Butler or Corey Kispert has a positive test? Will they really make them sit out for a Final Four game or a title game? I assume so, but that immediately becomes a tough sell to casual fans when you don't get to see the best players. 

It's no surprise that this is all about money too. The NCAA NEEDS the Tournament to happen. We saw how much they lost last year. It's the cash cow for the entire organization. It's how schools at the low-major level stay afloat. It's one of the main ways college sports survive. But I'm selfish, so I care about me. I need the NCAA Tournament. I can't go another March just sitting here watching old games because nothing else is on. So if they don't pause and it means we get Gonzaga vs Baylor without a top player? Fuck it, I'm in. 

I know there was some logistics to work out with the Pacers, but why not build in extra time for the bubble to work? That's really my only complaint here. They are truly bubbling up for the NCAA Tournament, so why not do it 100% correctly? Have Selection Sunday as is, but start the NCAA Tournament the entire week after. Give everyone time to get in, quarantine, test and then go about it. Wouldn't that work better? It's not like waiting a week would ruin TV numbers or anything like that. Seems like it just makes sense to me. 

I will say I am curious to see what happens if a team has multiple positive tests. I know it's not 'supposed' to happen but after the last year I'm done guessing with shit like that. Do they have to forfeit if they don't have enough players for a game? That would be MAYHEM, especially if it's a top team. That's what I want an answer to here. 

God I'm ready for March.