
"You A Bitch, Shut Up" - Josh Jackson Talking Shit To Ben Simmons Is So Outrageous You Have To Respect It

Let me be the first to say that under no circumstances should Josh Jackson ever talk shit on a basketball court to Ben Simmons. Even if you think Simmons is a flawed player that hasn't improved in the slightest since his rookie year, Josh Jackson is barely an NBA player. Sure, he's been "OK" for the 4-13 Pistons this year putting up 11/3 off the bench, but the guy was out of the league not too long ago and hasn't exactly lived up to his #4 selection in the 2017 NBA Draft. Once you accept that this is utterly ridiculous, it does become pretty funny. Not just because Jackson ouplayed Simmons in the Pistons upset last night, but every team needs an irrational confidence guy like Josh Jackson. 

By all accounts the Pistons are terrible, but when has that ever stopped someone from talking shit? Tough look here for Simmons who just had to take it. How do you come back from one of the biggest busts in recent memory calling you a bitch to your face while also outperforming you and beating your team? That's rough. Look at the ref, even he loved it! It's one thing for people like me to go on Twitter talking about how Simmons is a coward because he doesn't shoot threes, it's another thing for NBA scrubs to be confident enough to call Ben Simmons a bitch to his face. You can't love that as a Sixers fan. 

The best part is this all came in an ejection of Jackson. Here's the entire sequence

Sort of hits Simmons in the face, he embellishes it and that was enough for Jackson. You know who isn't a bitch? Mike Scott. He was ready to roll even while in street clothes

That's a guy you want in your fox hole. Again, I just can't comprehend how on any planet Josh Jackson thinks he can say a word to Ben Simmons. It's so delusional I can't stop laughing at it. The lack of self awareness is truly remarkable but hey, it's not like Simmons responded with a monster fourth quarter to bring the Sixers back. He sort of just took it and the L and went home. I guess if the Pistons are going to be brutal to watch all year at least it's cool that they're providing us with some nightly comedy. 

The Sixers/Pistons don't play each other again for the rest of the first half, so it'll be a while before we see these two at it again. That's a shame.