
Coach K Spent His Postgame Press Conference Being A Gigantic Asshole To A Student Reporter Because Duke Sucks

What a shock. Coach K acting like a gigantic dickhead the moment after another loss. When will everyone just accept this is who he is? He's a dickhead, he's an asshole, he's also won a lot. All can be true. People seem to refuse to accept that Coach K is just an egotistical, hypocritical dickhead. How many excuses do we give this guy? Duke sucks. They are only 5-5 because they've played the 150th toughest nonconference schedule. They haven't beaten a top-50, or even a top-75 team in the country. Talk about an inflated record. Notre Dame (85) and BC (96) are their two best wins. You know who that's on? 

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But this is Coach K, we're talking about. I'm sure people are doing laps to defend this. It's a normal question by this kid. That question is asked after every single fucking loss in the history of sports. But nooooo, K had to lose his shit on some kid and give him some dumbass lecture. Uh, K, if I failed an Econ test, I'd 100% be figuring out what to do next. That's college 101. That's life 101. I know it's typically reserved for opposing teams, but this is a STAPLE for K. Duke losing a game, check. Coach K acting like a dickhead and “teaching” the kid after his team lost, even though it was just a normal question, something every reporter does all the time? Check.

PS: You know he would have done some bullshit in the handshake line already this year if it wasn't for Covid.