
Dr. Evil Could Only Dream About Having A Frickin' Laser Beam Like This Mat Barzal Snipe

That's right, folks. The year is 2021 and we're breaking out some Austin Powers references. 

Fun Fact: The original Austin Powers movie was released in Canada on May 2, 1997. A few weeks later, Mathew Barzal was born in Canada on May 26, 1997. 

23 years later, that movie still goes hard. 23 years later, Mat Barzal still goes harder. I mean what kind of sick, twisted individual has the audacity to unleash a bullet like this. 

Wedgewood hardly even flinched before that thing stapled the corner. And to be faaaiirrr, it was probably in his best interest to not get in the path of that shot anyway. He might have given up the goal, but at least his right arm gets to stay attached to his body now. 

On a more serious note, it'll be really interesting to see what happens throughout the season when these teams start playing each other for the 5th and 6th time. Will Barzal still be able to snipe the tits off of these guys, or do you think goalies will be able to start picking up those tendencies more as the season goes on? I don't think there's much you can do to stop that rocket launcher in general, but who knows. You see a guy's shot for 8 games throughout 16 weeks you might be able to cheat on that corner. 

Also, I'm not going to write a full blog on the Dubois situation in Columbus. But as a beer league hero myself, I see absolutely nothing wrong with this shift from PLD. 

Looks exactly like every 10:45pm puck drop when your team only has 7 skaters show up to me. Hell, in beer league you're lucky if Dubois even makes it back into his own zone instead of just camping out at the red line. 
