
DAGUMIT! Phil Rivers Has Officially Retired And Already Has A Job Coaching

Make whatever jokes you want to make about 4th quarter comeback attempts, complaining to the refs or whatever. The fact is that Rivers was an incredible quarterback. Just for some perspective, this is where he is in the all-time rankings.

Passing Yards - 5th

Completions - 5th

Touchdowns - 5th

And he also has the record for most consecutive completions (25) and is second only to Farve for the most consecutive starts in the NFL. He is also 8th all time for career wins. 

I'm honestly pretty heartbroken that he doesn't get to retire with a chip, and I assume he is too. This dude is so passionate for the sport of football it's INSANE. Beyond all the on-the-field energy everyone sees from him, my personal favorite moment will alway, always be the 2007 AFC Championship. Not because it is a win (because it wasn't) or it was a great team moment, but because it really showed what kind of guy Rivers is. A 26 year-old Rivers tore his ACL the week prior to the game, didn't have his two biggest offensive weapons in LT/Gates, and was playing arguably the best team of all time in the undefeated Patriots. And he got out there and played! That is a level of passion for the game that is a level beyond. 

Beyond that, I honestly will miss seeing the 4th quarter comeback attempts, the non-cursing, the complaining to the refs and the incredible Phil Rivers faces on the sideline. It's been a staple of all of our collective NFL Sundays for so long, I'm not sure how we can even replace it. 

Safe travels, and RIP to those high school refs he is about to destroy as a coach.