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Wake Up With the Big Speech from ‘Revenge of the Nerds’

I get that while “Revenge of the Nerds” is considered by many (including me) to be a classic 80s movie, parts of it haven’t aged well. You’ve got a middle-aged woman creeping on a prodigy who’s barely in his teens. Some racial and sexual stereotyping. A scene where a guy disguised as another guy has sex with that second guy’s girlfriend. None of which would fly today.

On the other hand, it’s a movie of its time. And at its core, is all about empowering the underdog. All of which is demonstrated in his final big speech. The popular jock fraternity has just trashed the nerd fraternity’s house for the second time. They have had enough. Their leader Gilbert has had enough. So he delivers this big, emotional speech. And rallies all the disenfranchised to stand up for themselves. It was basically the geek culture version of William Wallace’s speech from “Braveheart.”

On a sidenote, makes you realize that Anthony Edwards is one of the most versatile actors of his generation. Being able play Gilbert, Goose in “Top Gun,” and Dr. Greene on “E.R.” is too much range to ask of any actor, yet he nailed them all.

And finally, this is a better use of “We Are the Champions” than any movie has ever pulled off. Including “Bohemian Rhapsody.” I’m a nerd. And I’m proud of it.