
The Barstool Fund - The Spa & Hungry Hair Salon

Up next: The Spa & Hungry Hair Salon (Fresno, CA)

In 1990 Tammie Riley purchased the well-known Hungry Hair Salon located in Fig Garden Village. While growing this business to its full potential, Tammie felt it necessary to provide clientele with more of a full service spa and salon that is typically found in bigger cities.



Reader Email

Hi Dave,

I am writing you from Fresno, California in hopes that the barstool fund may be able to provide some help to my family’s small business. We own a local day spa & hair salon (The Spa & Hungry Hair Salon) which has been in business for the past 30 years. We employ about 35 people. My mom, Tammie Riley, started the business when she was just 25 years old and it has successfully grown since then. After 30 years of being in the industry my mom still runs this business and works hard at it every single day. She always tells myself and my siblings stories of when she started her business 30 years ago. Hungry for success, she would go door to door of homes to spread the word determined to be successful. Fast forward to now, she has made it clear that none of her years in business have been as hard as 2020. My entire family has struggled immensely seeing my mom work tirelessly to keep our place afloat. With one shut down after another in California, we are almost out of options. We haven’t been provided hardly any help by our state government. I truly have never felt more helpless seeing my mom fight for something that she is so passionate about. As the bills pile up, I cannot imagine my family’s lives without this place. We have employees in her office constantly in tears with fear of the future. I watch her as she tries to remain strong for our staff but I know she is helpless. Watching my mom struggle has been heart wrenching. I cannot put into words what it feel like to see something we’ve all worked so hard for come to an end. We would be so grateful for any help at all. 

I saw your fund on Instagram and thought what you were doing for small businesses was truly amazing. I don’t know if there is money to help salons & spas but our industry has been hit harder than ever this year especially in California. Thank you so much for all of your hard work and generosity. Hoping to hear back from you soon. Thank you! 


Lexie Riley

