
Blowjob Billboard Across From Rock And Roll McDonalds Has Everyone In Chicago In A Tizzy


The new billboard at Clark and Ontario featuring Olson and the caption ­­— “Because the best job is a b–w job” — was specifically tailored for Chicago, say the brains behind the message, the hook-up dating website Olson gained mainstream fame as one of Charlie Sheen’s “goddesses.” “We specifically picked Chicago for this website,” said A.J. Perkins, in charge of marketing for the Toronto-based company. The marketing folks were thinking about the high unemployment rate in the city when they came up with the catchy slogan, Perkins said. Part of the lewd phrase on the billboard is blurred out. “We wanted to come up with a billboard that had some sort of play on the word, ‘jobs,’” Perkins said.

For those who might find the billboard offensive, Perkins explains: “I can see that opinion on it, but with something like that, it speaks to a certain audience. It speaks to men and women who aren’t looking for a traditional relationship.” Mayor Rahm Emanuel was taken aback — and appeared somewhat dumbfounded when asked about the racy billboard after Wednesday’s City Council meeting. Emanuel laughed uncomfortably when asked whether the message on the billboard was an appropriate one or met his standards for Chicago.

“Obviously, it’s not one I share,” he said. “Look, we have a First Amendment. You usually operate under it. There are certain things you say I don’t think [are] appropriate also. But that said, I’m not gonna respond to that because I haven’t seen it. You’re just reading it to me. But we do have a First Amendment, and I’ve got to take a look into it.” Told that he might turn red from embarrassment when he does see the billboard, Emanuel replied, “I might. But it will be for other reasons — not that.”


Love this guy A.J. Perkins. You know how we’re always talking about the pussification of America, well A.J. Perkins is the EXACT opposite. He made a billboard that works. Does it offend people? Sure. Does he give a fuck? Hell no. His job was to make an ad that people talk about, and he knocked it out of the park. Literally the lead story on every local news show last night. People upset because its across from Rock and Roll McDonalds, which is somehow now become some big daycare center that everyone takes their kids to even though its 100% for tourists and undesirables and I have literally never seen a child in or around there. People Asking what they’re going to tell their children. I don’t know, be a fucking parent, don’t ask me, either tell your kid to shut up and let them figure it out in the middle school locker room or explain to them what a blowjob is. That’s your job, not mine.


So good work AJ Perkins. You’re spot on. Bree Olson and blow jobs sell. I know it, you know it, and Mayor Emanuel with his blushing face knows it. Everyone loves getting their dick sucked, Period.