
People Donated Their Bodies To Science And Science Made Them Fuck Reverse Cowgirl

Honest to god, I’d be thrilled if I was one of these bodies used in an exhibit to show what it looks like when people without skin fuck. That’s the beauty of donating your body to science; you truly never know what your body will be doing.

You could be explored for cancer cures or a greater pathology understanding. Your body could be used to find the connection between tooth decay and headaches. Your body could be used to explore vaccines and their usage. Or you could just have your dick permanently hard inside your beloved’s skinaverse corpse. Pretty sweet. Way better than just rotting in some busted ass coffin waiting for a grave robber to come.

Wonder if they’re doing anal? When you don’t have skin, you don’t have a pussy or a butt hole, the imagination dictates the hole that’s getting worked like a wrestling crowd when Hogan announces the NWO. I’ll still eat my vitamins and say my prayers. There’s nothing the Wolf pack or these naked skinless fucking fuckers can do about it, bub. The exhibit is beautiful. That’s all I’m gonna say. I’m not gonna jerk off to this photo so don’t ask.