
Bill Walton Just Casually Dropping An All-Time Quote About Sex As He Was Going Off The Air Last Night

Ho hum, just another day in the office for Bill Walton. If people ever stop letting him call games, I will write the sternest of letters to whoever I have to. I've said it a million times before, but I love Walton. I don't need the traditional analyst for every game, I just want one of two things. Teach me something new or entertain me. Walton will entertain me. You don't know what you're going to get out of a Walton broadcast. It could be him eating a live candle, it could be him asking Dave Pasch about his dead dog, it could be talking about sex. Personally my favorite might be when he casually mentioned Canyon Barry got his name when his dad (Rick) fucked his mom over the Grand Canyon: 

Thing is, he's not wrong. Close does only happen in war and sex. Well, I can't confirm war, I'll ask Capt. Cons. But sex? I have a kid, so yeah, you could say I've done it. Close matters there. It's literally the difference of having a kid or not and let me tell you. That little bastard takes up a ton of time and is a lot of work. Love the kid, but close matters if you're not ready for that. Walton just out here dropping sex ed and advice for everyone. He truly is for the people. 

Long live Bill Walton and the weird late night games. A match made in heaven.