
Jason Derulo Comes On To James Charles With Arguably The Most Aggressive Tweet Of All Time

**Update: I am now being told his account has officially allegedly been hacked. If that is the case, I would like to apologize to Mr. Derulo. If not, I stand by everything I said. Regardless, here's the original blog and the since deleted NSFW tweet...










A.) Hilarious.

B.) I want what they have.

C.) James Charles is into it. 

What else can I say? All there's left to do now is wait and see what the aftermath will be. Will he double down? Will he get canceled? Was his account "hacked?" Will he and James start dating? I DON'T KNOW. All I know is that people are going to call for his head and it's going to be great. Best of luck to JD, he's going to need it. 

PS: Kate and I dropped a new Out & About this morning that you can check out here




She picks a name for her fetus, we talk Armie Hammer, Justin Thomas calling himself the F word, Kate getting arrested drunk and and high on pills and more. I promise you'll love it. See you tomorrow! 

PS: Don't say the F word.