
The Barstool Fund - Coney Island Hot Weiners

Up next: Coney Island Hot Weiners (Tulsa, OK)

Coney Island Hot Weiners began in 1926 after its founder, Christ Economou, came to the United States from Greece years earlier through Ellis Island. Now it is the family’s goal to continue an incredible legacy.



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In the 1920's, my husband grandfather, Christ Economou, came to America thru Ellis Island. He saw Coney Island and said "I can do that". He followed the railroad and opened 26 stores across the US getting them up and running and selling them to other Greek immigrants so that they could bring their families. In 1926 he arrived in Tulsa, OK and this is where his journey stopped. Our family has kept this restaurant alive for 95 years and we are doing our best not to have covid be what closes it. We are located in Downtown Tulsa and all of the downtown businesses are working from home. But we are here Monday thru Friday and we do our best to serve up the best Chili you will ever eat. My chili maker has been with us for almost 20 years and he is a pro at making our chili. The recipe is a secret but people who move away always come back to see us because of the love of our food. We try really hard to make everyone who comes in feel like home…We have school desks for seating an option Christ came up with back in the 20's…He said, "if I have a table and one person sits in it I have lost all of my seating", so with the desks people from all walks of life sit near each other. With the social distancing we have had to close some of the desks.

