The Barstool Fund - The Cafe
Up next: The Cafe (Long Beach, NY)
Located in Long Beach, The Café is a purveyor of fine Health Foods & Coffee Roasts from around the world. In furthering their commitment to community, each month they focus on a charity and inform the community of their services.

Reader Email
Dear Mr. Portnoy,
I am the owner of a restaurant in Long Beach, NY. We have remained open during the Covid shut down and continued to pay our employees during the new Covid restrictions that again have limited our ability to conduct a successful business. We have 12 employees and continue to maintain their work schedules. Over the past 8 months I have had to supplement our business account from my personal account to pay our employees and our rent. I can no longer continue to put monies into the account to the point where I can't pay my mortgage and now have my house up for sale. I personally have not taken a penny in 2020. If you can help us it would be an answer to our prayers and could be the difference between us staying open and closing. I honestly feel if we could get through the slow winter months we could sustain ourselves once the summer comes. We have applied for PPP on three occasions only to be told each time weeks to months after completing our application that there were no more funds available, needless to say we never received any PPP. In 2020 we have made 25% of the sales we made in 2019. I have and will acquired updated invoices from all the vendors mentioned in this email, while I don't believe you can assist us to the point where we are debt free I do want you to know any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Please consider my email
I look forward to hopefully hearing from you,
Kindest regards,
Paul Leone