
Is Kevin Feige About To Revive The Star Wars Movies?

 After penning Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness and serving as head writer and creator on the upcoming Disney Plus series Loki, Michael Waldron is looking to stay in business with Walt Disney Studios in a big way. Sources tell Deadline Waldron has been set to write a new Star Wars feature film that Kevin Feige, President, Marvel Studios and Chief Creative Officer, Marvel, will develop and produce for Lucasfilm and Disney.

Kevin Feige is a dude that is a household name for comic book movie fans for good reason. He is a guy that worked his way up the ranks producing at Marvel and not only helped launch the proto-comic book movie universe with the X-Men franchise, but perfected it with the MCU, specifically with the Avengers. Making individually good movies and cohesively linking them from both a timeline and story standpoint was a pretty insane undertaking that he pulled off with very few hiccups. The movies themselves have also mostly gotten better as time has gone on, somehow not fatiguing us with the genre. 

Feige being in charge is great for us as fans, because he is excellent at the one thing that the sequel trilogies really lacked which is cohesion. He is able to link movies in an organic way and he also has a passion for this shit. As we see with Filoni/Favs doing Mando, that passion can be make or break for franchise-expanding work. F-cubed (Filoni/Fav/Filoni) are about to make our lives as star wars fans a loooooot better. 

As far as Waldron goes, if Feige trusts him then I think he's good in my book. Besides penning Loki and Multiverse of Madness, he was also a producer on Rick and Morty which requires an amount of comedic timing and knowhow that has me really excited to see what he can do with Star Wars. I think we can expect some funny writing and deep knowledge. All praise the Hat Man!!!!